Obscure photos, obscure places.
I am needed at home.
No matter how my parents may seem to be, they are dependent on me. For companionship, for physical labour, for many other things. So it's two months of nothing but staying at home. But it doesn't mean I sit on my laurels and do nothing. Although Baby thinks I do. It's hard work staying at home.
My parents believe in DYI (no boys, not TFK) they like to do stuff by themselves. We have more than 50 plants and trees to tend to. It takes an hour to ensure all the plants are watered adequately everyday. And no, we do not hire landscape artists or gardeners. It's all good old elbow grease.
Our most recent project is refurbishing our balustrade on the terrace. My dad insisted on solid wood, and now it has started to crack and peel, less than a year after moving in. So after a trip to the hardware store, and almost 30 pieces of sandpaper later, and a can of special wood protection varnish, we are only HALFWAY there.
Found a few obscure pictures from past family vacations. For close friends, they know that our family is a great believer in domestic travelling. (Partly because we can't afford to go away overseas :P) But really, I've been to every Malaysian state except for Sabah, and have seen some pretty great stuff. Things that people usually never give a second glance to.

Here we are, picking mengkudu fruit to make my dad a herbal drink for his diabetes. This fruit my friends, it the best quick cure to bring your sugar level down in a week, but tastes like crap! Don't remember where is was, probably near the many kampung roads we take for a scenic drive.