I had a friend once, who thought that the biggest sin one could commit was to plagiarize another person's work and write it off as your own. Maybe so. But her rules were so rigid that she would refuse to even be inspired by someone in order to write her work. And how she'd write....plays, scripts, short stories, poetry and sometimes even her doodles were a work of art. Her writing was brilliant, and I was at awe with this great writer that I felt lived ahead of her time.
But that's the problem when you surround yourself with someone who is simply so great, that you're not simply overshadowed, but suddenly whatever you wrote seemed to look like chicken scratch compared to hers.
It's a volatile relationship, and the stuff of storybooks and tragic plays. A love hate relationship that only threatens to destroy another.
And destroy it did. But like the primal animals that prowl our forests the stronger one will generally endure.
For a long time, I took whatever she said to heart. I felt that any work that I've done by being inspired by a movie, a picture or another person's animated conversation as something that isn't truly mine. It was "plagiarized" and isn't worthy.
My muse was confused for a long time.
I have only kept this blog since then. My journals and notebook remains untouched save for the insignificant going ons of my life. Exclamations of "Oooo Kamy, English you terrerr!!" does nothing compared to winning the approval of that one person. As childish as it may seem.
I'm stepping into the working world soon, where the creative brain juices of mine is going to be put to the test. I should get over her and move on.
I should.
This entry was posted
on Thursday, November 01, 2007
and is filed under
Passionate Outbursts,
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I am...

Woman. Daughter. Girlfriend. Student. Feminist. Loud. Writer. Kajang citizen. Half Malay. Half Chinese. All Human. A Romantic. Whimsical. Eclectic. Former Convent girl. Former St. John's member. Loves homework. Weird. Clumsy. Thinker. Passionate. Life's tough. I'm tougher. Loves jeans. Unscripted: like the half-formed words on my lips, and the blurred footsteps behind me
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